Diaverum Deutschland GmbH
Hansastr. 23, 80686 Munich
Phone: +49 89 452 444 0
Fax: +49 89 452 444 300
Email: Deutschland@diaverum.com
Company domicile: Munich
Administrative court of Munich Company register no.176303
Managing Director: Frank Gotsmann
VAT No. DE256585077
Liability information
The information on this website consists of statements with no implied warranties of any kind. Before publication, reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this content and it is subject to regular reviews and updates. We cannot assume any guarantee that all information contained herein is at all times complete, accurate and up to date. This applies equally to any links we provide to other websites and their contents. We reserve the right to alter, add or remove any information on this website without prior notice.
All rights reserved. The information on this site is the property of Diaverum. The contents may not be wholly or partially copied and/or published or electronically stored in any information systems without the prior written approval of the author.
Liability for external content
In a judgement of 12 May 1998 — 312 O 85/98 — “Liability for links” the regional court of Hamburg determined that by the act of posting a link to another website, the posting site may be held liable for the content of the linked site. The court further judged that this liability can only be excluded by the publication of an express disclaimer of responsibility for these contents. We hereby disclaim any liability for, or ownership of, the contents of all external sites belonging to third parties and to which we provide links from our homepage. This declaration applies without exception to all external links which may be accessed from our website.
Data protection information
Should you choose to contact us by email, we would like to draw your attention to the following: personally identifiable information (name, address) which you provide to us will be stored electronically for the purpose of communication with you. Your personally identifiable information will on no account be shared, sold or leased to third parties. Sharing this information with third parties will only take place with your permission, and only where this is required for the provision of any services we may be contracted to provide you with, or inasmuch as this act of sharing is lawful. We assume that by using this website and providing your personally identifiable information by email, you agree with the above-described policy for the collection, processing and use of your personally identifiable information. You may revoke this permission at any time and request the deletion of your personally identifiable information.
Legal validity
This exclusion of liability is an integral part of our web presence which refers to this page. Inasmuch as sections or individual statements within this material do not comply, no longer comply or do not fully comply with current laws, the legal validity of the content in the remaining sections of this document will remain unaffected.