For most kidney patients, being on dialysis requires frequent visits to a hospital or clinic so they have access to certain equipment and, in most cases, skilled healthcare staff. As medical care must be guaranteed, being away from home and the accustomed routine can be a challenge.

That's why we created d.HOLIDAY, Diaverum's holiday dialysis programme. A programme which means that renal care patients easily can get access to dialysis care in another city or country - making it possible to visit family or go on holiday.


With over 440 Diaverum clinics around the world, renal care patients have plenty of locations to choose from, ensuring high quality and personalised dialysis care.



Thinking of travelling while on a transplant list?

Our d.HOLIDAY Fly Back Programme funds safe and fast returns home for patients who receive their transplant call whilst travelling within Europe.

Visit the d.HOLIDAY website to discover more!

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